Toledo Electrical JATC
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    Updated On: Apr 12, 2023

    Guidelines for Journeyperson Education and Grants-In-Aid

    Whereas the Toledo Electrical Joint Apprenticeship and Training Committee (hereinafter "JATC") is a nonprofit, charitable organization exempt from taxation under Section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code, and
    Whereas, JATC offers training to apprentice and journeyperson electricians, and
    Whereas, JATC wishes to set forth nondiscriminatory standards and criteria to qualify for such training and any available grants-in-aid; and
    Now, therefore, the Trustees of JATC hereby adopt and approve the following guidelines for journeyperson education and grants-in-aid.
    1. A journeyperson is eligible to enroll in a JATC training course only if: (a) the individual completes an application for the training course at JATC, (b) the course covers a subject within the scope of the individual's work, (c) the individual is a member in good standing and is not in conflict with the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, Local No. 8 (hereinafter "Local 8") as of the date of application and the immediately preceding 36 month period, (d) during that 36 month period, the individual worked at least 1,500 hours in Local 8's jurisdiction for a signatory employer making contributions to JATC pursuant to a collective bargaining agreement, and (e) the individual is, at the time of application, working or actively seeking work within the territorial jurisdiction of Local 8.
    2. The Trustees of JATC retain the discretion to waive any of the above criteria as they see fit, provided such discretion is exercised in a nondiscriminatory manner.  The Trustees also reserve the right to charge tuition for any or all of its training courses as they determine from time to time.
    3. An individual who meets the criteria listed above but fails to attend the journeyperson training course for which he/she is registered shall be ineligible to attend any further courses at JATC for one year.  Provided, however, an individual may appeal his/her ineligibility under this Section 3 by filing a written statement to the Training Director explaining the reasons for his/her absence.  The Training Director shall have the sole discretion to approve or deny such an appeal, and the Director's determination shall be final and conclusive.
    4. Any individual who attends a journeyperson training course is expected to be attentive, respectful, and refrain from engaging in conduct which may be detrimental to the JATC.  Any journeyperson who causes disruption, engages in inappropriate or disrespectful behavior, or otherwise fails to follow JATC rules or policies, shall be subject to removal from the training course, loss of any associated grant-in-aid, and/or be deemed ineligible to attend any further courses at JATC for one year.  Any journeyperson who engages in illegal or dangerous conduct may be deemed ineligible to attend any further courses at JATC permanently or for an indefinite period of time.  Any an individual may appeal his/her ineligibility under this Section 4 by filing a written statement to the Training Director setting forth the facts and circumstances surrounding the alleged misconduct.  The Training Director shall have the sole discretion to approve or deny such an appeal, and the Director's determination shall be final and conclusive.
    5. Journeypersons who complete a training course at JATC may be eligible to take the same course in the future, subject to the sole discretion of the Training Director and under such conditions as the Training Director may reasonably impose.
    6. JATC may from time to time, in the sole discretion of its Trustees, offer grants-in-aid to qualified journey persons.  A journeyperson is eligible to receive a grant-in-aid only if the individual satisfies the criteria set forth in Section 1 of these Guidelines.
    7. No apprentice is eligible to receive a grant-in-aid.
    8. Any and all grants-in-aid offered by JATC are made available at the sole discretion of JATC, which shall be exercised in a non-discriminatory manner.  The amount of each grant-in-aid shall be determined by JATC.  There is no guarantee that any such grants-in-aid will be available at any particular time or for any particular course.  JATC retains the authority to discontinue the grants-in-aid program at any time.
    9. Grants-in-aid offered by JATC may be revoked if the recipient journeyperson fails to attend at least 75% of the course sessions.
    10. The Toledo Electrical JATC Board of Trustees has determined to make courses available to members who do not otherwise meet eligibility requirements for education under its Journeyperson Education Guidelines.  Members must comply with the criteria set forth in paragraph #1, letters "A", "B" and "C" above.  Enrollment is subject to availability of seats in each course and payment of tuition ($6.00 X the total number of hours of the course) and purchase of required books and materials.  Applications will be given preference based on the order in which they are received.  No Grants-In-Aid will be available.
    11. The Toledo Electrical JATC Board of Trustees has determined to make courses available to organized members with 300hrs who do not otherwise meet eligibility requirements for education under its Journeyperson Education Guidelines.  Members must comply with the criteria set forth in paragraph #1, letters "A", "B" and "C" above. Grants-In-Aid will be available.
    12. The Toledo Electrical Joint Apprenticeship & Training Committee has determined that if a journeyperson registers for two or more conflicting classes (i.e., the same start date or the same nights), be reminded, he/she will have to attend whichever class becomes available first.
    13. Journeypersons who are IBEW members not belonging to local eight, but on referral from IBEW local eight may take classes having to pay $6.00 per hour of class time.  Eligible classes include safety related classes and Voice Data Video Specialty Technician Certification classes.
    14. The Toledo Electrical JATC Board of Trustees has determined to make SPECIFIC courses available to apprentices with the criteria of and overall grade point average of 80% at applicable apprentice program yearly levels of; 4th or 5th Inside, 3rd or 4th Residential, or 3rd Voice-Data-Video. As determined the Toledo Electrical JATC Board of Trustees apprentices are eligible to receive a grant-in-aid for those courses and Section 7 does not apply.

      Revised and Approved:  February 21, 2023

    Information on TEJATC Virtual/Practical Related Classroom Instruction

    Virtual: You will participate in remote virtual training using a free service called ‘Zoom’.

    Participants must always be seen and heard by the instructor and facilitators. These requirements are applicable to all TEJATC Practical/Virtual classes to meet compliance with our accredited training partners such as, Department of Labor, Federal OSHA, Northwest State Community College, and Safety Council of Northwest Ohio. If you are unable to be visible, audible, and attentive you will not receive credit for attending the class.

    • As always follow the Guidelines for Journeyperson Education and Grants-In-Aid or Apprenticeship Statement of Policy
      • Attendance throughout each class will be taken during each virtual lecture along with an electronic report of who was logged into each class.
      • Grants are established by the committee and will be mailed to the address that has been given to the TEJATC. If you need to update your address, please do so before the class. Email this form HERE to
    • ZOOM practice session to verify that your computer, smartphone or other operating system devices will function correctly, video and voice\microphone. Therefore, meeting requirements for a virtual class
      • Schedule a meeting with friends or family it is easy and free.
      • Contact the TEJATC at 419-666-8088 or email at least two days before the class to schedule and we will schedule a Zoom meeting practice session with you and others.

    Practical: (hands-on, examinations…) instruction details will be explained by your instructor as required. You may be required to attend practicals at the TEJATC.


    Visible; live streaming so you can visually interact with others by utilizing the Zoom video function, such as responding to an instructor’s question by making eye contact and a nod of approval. 

    Audible; live streaming your voice so you can interact with others by utilizing the Zoom microphone function, such as responding to an instructor’s question by voicing your answer.

    Attentive; watching, and listening carefully, such as sitting upright taking notes and asking questions.


    More Information:
    Change of Address Form (Campus)
  • Toledo Electrical JATC

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